Indoor Air
EPA has acknowledged that air in our home and business may be several times more polluted that outdoor air. Reports have shown that 1 in 6 suffer from allergies due to fungi and or bacteria in the air they breathe.
Although fungal (mold) spores are ubiquitous in nature and the indoor environment, fungal growth indoors is not necessarily common unless the environment is damp and wet. Fungi require the availability of a number of important parameters such as moisture, temperature and nutrients for their growth indoors. They can readily grow on building materials, furniture and and building materials experiencing water damage or intrusion. Cellulose based materials are the primary available nutrient to fungal growth. The primary limiting factor is the amount of free water substrate.
Although indoor air contaminants have the potential to cause allergies and other health related problems, health effects from exposure are individual specific therefore consultation with a medical doctor is the only way to determine whether a person may be susceptible.
We currently provide Council-Certified Indoor Environmental Consultant services for both homes and commercial properties.
If you have an air quality concern please contact us for more information.
Environmental Analysis
Converse Laboratories has been involved with environmental sampling and analysis for over 25 years. Our 40-hour OSHA Hazardous Materials trained staff can provide full service field sampling and delivery of all environmental matrices. Along with our network of associates laboratories, CLI has the capability of providing complete turn-key environmental analyses. CLI provides analytical and consulting service to clients ranging from municipalities, industry, commercial companies, landfills, banks, engineers, consulting firms and individual home owners.
Sample capabilities are customized to individual needs and include:
Drinking water
Non-potable water
Ground water sampling
Monitoring well sampling
Indoor Environmental Quality Mold/Air
Asbestos surveys and sampling